Outsourcing in many business areas is a convenient form of cooperation between companies, especially in the services section. Such delegation of tasks to another firm improves the basic direction of business.
What is IT outsourcing?
It is an advanced subscriber service for corporate clients related to computer systems. It doesn't matter what the scale of the company is: computer outsourcing is needed by small, medium and large companies - everyone who needs stable and qualified IT support. If your employees do most of the work on computers, computer outsourcing is necessary.
The most convenient thing in IT outsourcing is that the customer alone chooses which service he needs: full or partial. When concluding a contract with the company, it is necessary to coordinate all the IT outsourcing services to rationally use the budget and get everything you need.
Computer outsourcing is a broad complex that includes services for working with the company's infrastructure, including personal computers, network, peripherals, servers and more. It is much larger than the standard subscriber service of computer equipment. For customers who only need support for PCs, printers, the Internet, and other basic services, computer outsourcing may be enough. But for comprehensive control and support, it is better to choose IT outsourcing services.
Does IT outsourcing justify its value? Like any IT service, it costs money. Therefore, many company executives are interested in the advantages of this form of cooperation, especially in comparison with hiring a full-time employee. So, the main advantages of IT services include:
Quick solution of current and potential problems. According to the contract, the specialists of the IT company are obliged to solve the problem remotely or come to your office as soon as possible. Otherwise, you will have to hastily look for a specialist who can do at least something, if there is no system administrator in the state. An added benefit of IT outsourcing is the prevention of most problems. The fact is that analytical audits and regular preventive work can identify possible threats before they pose a threat to the computer system. Therefore, this approach reduces the number of malfunctions and errors in the operation of IT equipment.
Cost optimization of IT outsourcing services. If the company does not need a full range of services, but only selected options, then this is reflected in the contract, and accordingly in the prices for outsourcing. If you want to reduce your costs, consult with IT company specialist. Together you can choose the right items in the contract and calculate the optimal cost of service. The price of the service is also affected by the number of office equipment. The final cost depends on the selected list of services and the amount of equipment that needs to be maintained. Usually companies offer differential rates with discounts for a large amount of work.
Prompt introduction of new technologies. IT outsourcing professionals have been providing professional services for many years, so they know, can and do much more than any amateur. They are aware of the latest technologies and innovations in equipment that will help to adjust and optimize the work of the company's employees.
Guaranteed stable operation of all office equipment. The fact is that when signing a contract for the providing of IT outsourcing services, the company assumes a wide range of responsibilities.
Full concentration of the company on its internal tasks. If you hire a full-time employee, you will have to pay him a salary, pay for sick leave, holidays, taxes to the state treasury, provide a specialist with a job and computer equipment, and comply with other conditions of the Labor Code. If you choose another option and appoint one of your employees in charge of office computer maintenance, there are two options: due to insufficient qualifications and experience, he will not be able to perform IT outsourcing tasks at the required level or will perform them to the detriment of his main job.
Absolute confidentiality. Information in business may not be a tool, but a goal that costs a lot of money. Therefore, many managers are concerned that all personal and commercial data, correspondence, documentation will not be disclosed to third parties. And if employees may be interested in passing valuable facts to competitors, then the representatives of the IT company have no motive for this. On the contrary, she is interested in her reputation and good faith relationship with the customer.
With all these advantages, the company also receives a financial benefit: outsourcing prices are formed in stages based on customer needs. This means that both small and large businesses will be able to choose the best service option.
What IT outsourcing services include:
Maintenance of computers and office equipment. This service includes everything that is meant by customer service, including monitoring problems, installing and configuring software.
Support for local network and servers. Stable operation, connection to the Internet, uninterrupted operation of server equipment will be under the control of IT outsourcing specialists.
IP telephony setup and support. The service is provided by IT specialists from start to finish: first you need to plan the project, then install the telephony system and keep it operational.
Control over information. The customer can choose to install and control a video surveillance system or other multifunctional security systems. But in any case, outsourcing specialists will monitor the security of data storage and protection against unauthorized access, backup, antivirus protection.
Preventive work and staff training. In addition to these services, the IT company conducts a professional audit of equipment.