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   How can technology and physical spaces work together to deliver outstanding experiences for people, collaborative environments for teams, and productive outcomes for employers?

   As the designers of the workplace of the future, problem solving can be divided into four distinct categories: human-centered; wellness practices; technology and mobility; and sustainability strategies.

   Within these categories, there are six key areas that will play a vital role in the future of successful jobs, whether for more traditional corporate occupations or flexible new age jobs.

1. Technology and big data

   Using technology to collect and manage big data in a work environment can be very informative and rewarding for the future of jobs. The ability to collect and evaluate data not only informs companies of their current status, but can also indicate various opportunities to help raise awareness and improve operational efficiency.

   Building monitoring systems can reduce costs by an average of 15% by helping preventative maintenance and managing downtime.

   “Sensors are a simple and cost-effective way to collect information, many of which are available in a wireless version that can work across existing building infrastructure. This can lead to more efficient space planning, changes and purchasing decisions, and align design and planning changes with actual usage patterns and needs. ”

Key points:

  • Use gauges to measure the level of employment in the workplace

  • In interchangeable modes of operation, occupancy sensors can be used to determine the use of space - the amount and types of space required.

  • Use technology to identify shared maintenance - when and where to clean up space

  • Adjust HVAC levels based on occupancy and areas

2. Bring your own device (BYOD)

   Personal mobile devices will become a more reliable method that individual users can use not only to communicate with others, but also to connect to intelligent systems created in the work environment. This will ensure a safe and hassle-free travel to and from the office for individual users using features on their devices.

   “Personal mobile devices have become an integral part of our lives. By connecting intelligent systems, our devices will enhance the day-to-day work place, which will save employees time and increase productivity. ”

Key points:

  • Scan your secure office building access with the secure QR code on your device.

  • Remote access to destination for construction elevators

  • Plan and book conference rooms for meetings and / or tables for individual use

  • Real-time office announcements

3. Uninterrupted conference calls

   Most employees have become “power users” of video technologies such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and Cisco Web Ex. The need for collaboration technologies that facilitate the seamless deployment of highly efficient and modernized capabilities indoors onsite and virtually from home will become more prevalent in the future.

   “Not a day goes by when we don't interact on a video conferencing platform. When people return to the office, we need to move to a hybrid virtual / in-person approach".

   “Effective workplaces, now and in the future, will require effective collaboration technologies that facilitate seamless communication, both locally and at home. Ideally, while in the office, employees will have access to virtual conferencing, which is almost identical to what we are used to at home, with minimal technical hassle when dialing. ”

Key points:

  • Provide an identical virtual conference experience without always having to bring your own device to the office.

  • Implementation of systems in conference rooms that support one-touch or touchless functionality for easy activation.

  • Easily reproduce your home experience to avoid video conferencing problems

4. Laboratory of digital creativity

   The need for workplace immersion centers and innovation labs are vital in creating the workplace of the future. These spaces can be used for a variety of functions, but their main purpose is to stimulate innovation and collaboration.

   “Using 3D digital copies of workspaces can create impressive sensory data that show real-time visualization and analysis of usage and objects, with static design and manufacturing documentation from a single source. These green digital twins can help make important decisions about the future of the workplace. "

Key points:

  • Promote your company culture and brand

  • Graphically demonstrate positive, inspirational, branded messages of support or company values

  • Show the latest portfolios or products of the company

  • Provide multidimensional spaces for different purposes

  • Digital display of data on environmental safety and wellbeing of the office on the dashboard

5. Sustainability

   Sustainability will always be a key factor in influencing the jobs of the future. It has become an important factor in the design of a modern work environment and can have a huge impact on the physical nature and comfort of the workplace for employees through technological advances.

   “Technology plays an important role in sustainability. Strategically implemented smart systems can collect important data on environmental performance to make operational decisions for a greener future.

   “Technology can be used to easily adjust HVAC filtration and airflow; sensors increase comfort and efficiency and reduce the level of other systems that affect office carbon emissions. "

Key points:

  • Intelligent systems integration to help manage and collect data related to sustainable office performance (i.e. air flow, energy consumption and water consumption)

  • Systems that can automatically adjust HVAC filtration levels based on ventilation upon request

  • Sensors for increased comfort and work efficiency

6. Health through technology

   Employees are the heart of any company and their well-being is vital. Technological advances in the work environment can ensure that their health and wellbeing is continually maintained on a daily basis.

   “Technology also contributes to important wellness systems that are integral to the residents' experience. For example, lighting that simulates natural light to regulate workers' circadian rhythms, and regular notifications to remind you to get up and stretch or take a little mental break.

   “Likewise, installing a visual display that shows real-time data on indoor air quality, temperature and noise levels can reflect the building operator's commitment to a healthy and productive environment. Ultimately, this can help increase traffic. "

Key points:

  • Automated systems that adjust HVAC filtration and airflow levels based on occupancy

  • Sensors for measuring temperature, humidity, CO2, VOC and sound levels

  • Indoor lighting systems that simulate natural light to regulate circadian rhythms

  • Regular notifications reminding employees to get up and stretch

  • Toolbar notifications to notify when seats or tables have been cleared

Office technology

About us

For a long time in the market of innovative technologies, but relatively unsuccessfully organized into an independent group using modern technologies of the European and the US market. We have hired the best specialists in our industry, have long been in labor relations, who have extensive experience in this area of activity. Our registration is located in the city of Kiev.

Working hours

Kyiv city, street Zdolbunivska 9B

Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 18:00


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© 2020 Ukraine, Kyiv city, street Zdolbunivska 9B, 02081

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